“So she went to inquire of the Lord.”
Feeling some kind of way about this verse this morning. It has to do with Rebekah in the Old Testament, when she felt the struggle in her womb. I don’t know what options she had for advice and opinions but I am captivated by what the Bible says she did next. She went to the Lord to ask Him what was going on. He was the ultimate giver of the life within her so she went to Him for the answers.
I have this verse framed and hanging on my wall, right next to my bed. A reminder when I want to grab my phone to google my ailment or to stroll through someone’s feed before I allow God to feed me with His Word. A reminder to not let the pressure of the crowd press me into silence but to lean in to what God has said and is saying. The words below were bouncing around my heart early this morning and I hope they bring some freedom, lift some pressure for you too.
“Let her be.
Let her cling, stretching out her hands to grip the only One who won’t fall under pressure.
Let her reach beyond the press of the crowd, past the mess of makings and shakings to grab hold with her fingers the edge of the garment spread out for her.
There she receives what she needs Healing that saturates her to the bone of her affliction and to the soul crying out for more. There she hears her name and the invitation to belong.
Let her be to flee to the safety of His shelter, shadowed by wings immune to the shifting weather. His roar louder than the swells of storms trying to pull her under.
Let her be to get gritty and fall face down in the dust that’s before her, to lay herself near the master moulder so He can write on her the words that bring her back to Life.
No more strife. Hold back the stones of your accusation. No more roughly sharpened knives stripping away hope with fear laced words.
Let her be free to set herself at His feet. Where she finds safety to weep and cleanse her soul as she wipes His feet.
She’s got something to pour out at His feet.
Let her claim His peace.
And when you let her be, she becomes what she was made for. Anointer of the Savior, worshipping with fervor, setting off a fragrance that changes the rooms around her.
Courage to drink deeply of water, to let the Holy Spirit hover over the chaos threatening to overwhelm her so He can bring wonder.
Wonder what tent pegs she’ll wield to drive away enemies, words she will breathe to see babies and nations and people made free.
Let her be what she was made for
not a pawn of your opinions but a woman of her Maker, a woman that pulls down the breath of heaven around her.
So you too can breathe.
Let her be.
— Connect with Jenny on Instagram or Facebook and also on her website jennyerlingsson.com. And don’t forget to sign up for our monthly email magazine HERE