Excerpt from Chapter 7 of Milk & Honey in the Land of Fire & Ice

“Remaining in Jesus—sitting at His feet—is not a step back but it actually comes into agreement with the definition of platform. Because when we position ourselves in Him we agree in the Spirit that yes, we are actually seated with Christ, in heavenly places. 

What we go after in the flesh can actually be accomplished more effectively when we go after it in the Spirit. 

This is the place of deep relationship, where we receive insight and strategy, beautiful thoughts and creative ideas. This is how we can cultivate the sweet spots no matter where we are. We stay connected to the source and because we are drenched in His love, His oil, His milk, His wine, His honey—we become vessels that release that prophetic provision wherever we walk. Whoever we talk to. We release the fragrances that shift the atmosphere around us. Walking out Holy Spirit anointed strategies that dismantle strongholds. 

When you operate from this place you understand that your position in Him is way more powerful than the performance you do without Him. 

It is the being still in Him that Psalm 46:10 speaks of, being still and letting Him do what He does best. Exalt himself among all the nations. Exalt himself among all the people of earth.

We can position ourselves with Him in our wonder and in our times of weeping however that looks like. But the quickest way is through our worship. If you were able to peek into my home on an average morning you would see me busily bustling about after getting my kids to school and my husband off to his assignments for the day. If I didn’t have a meeting or radio show to prepare for I would be cleaning, doing laundry, putting away toys and the remnants from the morning rush. I would have music or a teaching on blast, remembering that this routine is not just a bother or a burden, it is my worship. A stewarding of what I’ve been given and knowing that my care for my family is a sweet fragrance to my King. And then you may see me find a good song on my phone or tv. Turn it up loudly and then ask the Lord if He would like to dance. And I would move my feet on the living room rug that is supposed to be cream, but hashtag kids, spinning and grooving and incorporating various moves from the 90s as I laugh and dance and worship my Jesus. I find that those moments help me move into my positioning with joy, setting a foundation for my day and launches me out freely from the mercy approaching me with the dawn. 

There is no better platform then that. The one that is created between you and your Creator. He takes all of those things that we do in respond to Him, lets it seed the sky and then pours out blessing and favor and insight and revelation into our imperfect but treasured vessels. 

And most of all, He pours himself into us from that place of abiding. 

Pushing out what doesn’t look like Him. 

Filling us with what we need for wherever He needs us to be. 

Public or Private. 

Large or small. 

Followed or not. 

Find your position sister, tuck yourself into His side, nestle down at His feet and then watch as He spins you around, setting in motion something beautiful from you.”

To read more check out the book Milk & Honey in the Land of Fire & Ice