“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him.” Psalms 91:1-2 NLT

Rest is a valuable commodity. 

If you’re a business leader, a teacher, a minister, a full-time work at home mom, and everything in between, you know that rest can be few and far between. 

Sometimes the nature of our assignments don’t leave much room for us to be still. There are times we run frantically out in the open, trying to make things happen, exposing ourselves to the elements in our striving. 

But take a moment and close your eyes. 

Do you see Him, the Lord, lifting up the flap of His tent? 

A simple oasis in the midst of the ongoing, beckoning you to come. 

And when you do, you find that you are actually not tucked within a structure, but within His strength. Within the shadow of his wings. 

You breathe deeply of the sweetest scent, filling your lungs with the fragrance of His presence. It may be for a minute, an hour, or a whole day, but this is rest. And that rest is only found through Jesus. A rest that satisfies and yet invites you to experience more.

So as you go and do and conquer your slice of the world, don’t neglect the moments when He calls you to come and be with Him.

What can rest look like for you today? This week? This month?

Devotion taken from Week 14 of The Cultivational Planner